Emilio Moncayo
(1895 - 1970)

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Moncayo was born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1895 to Abelardo Moncayo
(Minister of Haciendas and Assessor to then-President Eloy Alfaro) and
Margarita Moncayo.
a very young age, he was interested in art. Fed by his
sense of aesthetics and love
of nature, he caught unsuspecting Andean
landscapes, painting the color and majesty
in the different volcanoes
and Andean pampas that reflected the indigenous culture. He never
skimped in his effort to capture the beauty of his birth country. He
painted so well, that
in 1930 a stringent panel of judges presented him
with the First Prize "Mariano Aguilera" award.
wishing to set aside painting portraits, which were one of
his great passions, he set
himself to work on painting the magistrates.
His great work entitled "Muerte de Simon Bolivar"
(Death of Simon
Bolivar) merited him the First Prize "Cruz de Boyaca" award: The
reward offered in Venezuela. This award is now kept in the
Sociedad Bolivariana of Ecuador.
His portrait of President Dr. Camilo
Ponce Enriques is now found in the Galeria de Presidentes,
Amarillo, Palacio de Gobierno (Gallery of the Presidents, Yellow Salon,
Palace of the
Governor) in Quito, along with several paintings of Eloy

foreigners visited the studio of Emilio Moncayo, which is also
where he, with patience
and love, taught his children to paint. He
would often take his children to accompany him on
trips to the
different towns and villages in Ecuador where he would take photos of
places - some places his children considered rather odd, but
they understood it was all a
part of his work. He would also purchase
picture post cards and would then combine them
together with his
photograph to compose a painting.
sons who inherited his art skills are named Italia Moncayo
(deceased in 1996) who
painted landscapes and out-of-the-way places. He
did not sell his paintings commercially.
Not much is heard of Antonio
Moncayo, who lives in Colombia. Those who still hold the
Moncayo name
are Emilia, Miguel Angel, Emilio, and Jose, and Margarita. Emilio and
Miguel Angel have inherited the artistic skills of their father and
paint very beautifully.

group of Emilio Moncayo's works can be found in the Museo
Aurelio Espinosa Polit
and in various other museums and private
collections around the world. Reference
to him and his works can be
found in various books, including:
del Arte Frances, 65 Años de la Plastica Ecuatoriana,
the magazine La
Revista, 15 Días,
(Feb. ‘99),
de Arte Ecuatoriano,
died at the age of 75, leaving his art as his children's inheritance.
graciously provided by his daughter, Margarita Moncayo de Silva.
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